Contacts & Links

To contact the Chase Benefice Administrator:

Mrs Gill Baverstock

Sheepfold Cottage


Blandford Forum

DT11 8DE


If you need to speak to a priest urgently, contact Rev’d David Miell. Tel. 07708 601462.  David takes a day off on Mondays.


A Church Near You, a Church of England website, lists all the churches in the locality.


Salisbury Diocese is at

Dorset County Records is at

Dorset Historic Churches Trust has lots of information on our different churches in the Benefice at

Dorset Online Parish Clerks with loads of information on separate villages is at

The following villages have their own independent websites


Tarrant Gunville

Tarrant Monkton and Launceston

Tollard Royal



Thanks to Cranborne Chase AONB for the use of the banner photograph